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Yardım Disc İnventoryhud (Extendedmode Yardım)


FT Kullanıcı
4 yıl 4 ay 26 gün
Yeni bir sistem olan extendedmode kurdum ve en baştan ona uygun bir paket oluşturdum player dosyasını fixledim en azından öyle gözüküyor. Pakete disc-inventoryhud kurdum ve disc-inventoryhud/server/player:138, disc-inventoryhud/server/player:52 Bu satırlarda hata aldım oyuna girdim üstüme eşya bastım ve hiçbirşey gelmedi bu satırların aralıkları sildim sorunumu düzelttim fakat bu satırlar ne işe yaradığını bilmeden sildim önemli birşey olabilirmi ekstra olarak envanterime ver sistemi sil sistemi eklemek istiyorum bu sistemleri nasıl ekleyeceğim konusunda yardımcı olurmusunuz?

Sildiğim Satırlar:
while count > esxItem.max do count = count - esxItem.max local newCount = esxItem.max local newItem = createItem(, newCount) addToInventory(newItem, 'player', inventory) end

Tüm Satırlar:
local impendingRemovals = {} local impendingAdditions = {} ESX.RegisterServerCallback('disc-inventoryhud:getPlayerInventory', function(source, cb) getPlayerDisplayInventory(ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source).identifier, cb) end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() TriggerEvent('disc-inventoryhud:RegisterInventory', { name = 'player', label = _U('player'), slots = 50, maxweight = Config.PlayerMaxWeight, getInventory = function(identifier, cb) getInventory(identifier, 'player', cb) end, saveInventory = function(identifier, inventory) saveInventory(identifier, 'player', inventory) end }) end) function getPlayerDisplayInventory(identifier, cb) local player = ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(identifier) getInventory(identifier, 'player', function(inventory) local itemsObject = {} for k, v in pairs(inventory) do local esxItem = player.getInventoryItem( local item = createDisplayItem(v, esxItem, tonumber(k)) table.insert(itemsObject, item) end local inv = { invId = identifier, invTier = InvType['player'], inventory = itemsObject, cash = player.getMoney(), bank = player.getAccount('bank').money } cb(inv) end) end function ensurePlayerInventory(player) deleteInventory(player.identifier, 'player') Citizen.Wait(1000) loadInventory(player.identifier, 'player', function() applyToInventory(player.identifier, 'player', function(inventory) for _, esxItem in pairs(player.getInventory()) do if esxItem.count > 0 then while esxItem.count > esxItem.max do esxItem.count = esxItem.count - esxItem.max local newCount = esxItem.max local newItem = createItem(, newCount) addToInventory(newItem, 'player', inventory) end local item = createItem(, esxItem.count) addToInventory(item, 'player', inventory) end end TriggerClientEvent('disc-inventoryhud:refreshInventory', player.source) end) end) end RegisterServerEvent('disc-inventoryhud:notifyImpendingRemoval') AddEventHandler('disc-inventoryhud:notifyImpendingRemoval', function(item, count, playerSource) local _source = playerSource or source if impendingRemovals[_source] == nil then impendingRemovals[_source] = {} end item.count = count local k = #impendingRemovals + 1 impendingRemovals[_source][k] = item Citizen.CreateThread(function() Citizen.Wait(100) impendingRemovals[k] = nil end) end) RegisterServerEvent('disc-inventoryhud:notifyImpendingAddition') AddEventHandler('disc-inventoryhud:notifyImpendingAddition', function(item, count, playerSource) local _source = playerSource or source if impendingAdditions[_source] == nil then impendingAdditions[_source] = {} end item.count = count local k = #impendingAdditions + 1 impendingAdditions[_source][k] = item Citizen.CreateThread(function() Citizen.Wait(100) impendingAdditions[k] = nil end) end) AddEventHandler('esx:onRemoveInventoryItem', function(source, item, count) local player = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) TriggerClientEvent('disc-inventoryhud:showItemUse', source, { { id =, label = item.label, qty = count, msg = _U('removed') } }) applyToInventory(player.identifier, 'player', function(inventory) if impendingRemovals[source] then for k, removingItem in pairs(impendingRemovals[source]) do if == and removingItem.count == count then if removingItem.block then impendingRemovals[source][k] = nil else removeItemFromSlot(inventory, removingItem.slot, count) impendingRemovals[source][k] = nil TriggerClientEvent('disc-inventoryhud:refreshInventory', source) end return end end end removeItemFromInventory(item, count, inventory) TriggerClientEvent('disc-inventoryhud:refreshInventory', source) end) end) AddEventHandler('esx:onAddInventoryItem', function(source, esxItem, count) local player = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) TriggerClientEvent('disc-inventoryhud:showItemUse', source, { { id =, label = esxItem.label, qty = count, msg = _U('added') } }) applyToInventory(player.identifier, 'player', function(inventory) if impendingAdditions[source] then for k, addingItem in pairs(impendingAdditions[source]) do if == and addingItem.count == count then if addingItem.block then impendingAdditions[source][k] = nil return end end end end while count > esxItem.max do count = count - esxItem.max local newCount = esxItem.max local newItem = createItem(, newCount) addToInventory(newItem, 'player', inventory) end local item = createItem(, count) addToInventory(item, 'player', inventory) TriggerClientEvent('disc-inventoryhud:refreshInventory', source) end) end)

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