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Çözüldü esx_ambulancejob actionmenu çalışmıyor!!


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4 yıl 9 ay 17 gün

esx_ambulancejob'um Çalışmasına Rağmen Actionmenü ve Eczanesi Gözükmüyorç
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NOT: Koordinatları Doğru & client veya server üzerinden actionmenu kapatılmamış.
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Config dosyanı atar mısın.
Config dosyanı atar mısın.

Config                            = {}

Config.DrawDistance               = 20.0

Config.Marker                     = { type = 27, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0, a = 100, rotate = false }

Config.ReviveReward               = 200  -- revive reward, set to 0 if you don't want it enabled
Config.AntiCombatLog              = true -- enable anti-combat logging?
Config.LoadIpl                    = false -- disable if you're using fivem-ipl or other IPL loaders

Config.Locale = 'en'

local second = 1000
local minute = 60 * second

Config.EarlyRespawnTimer          = 5 * minute  -- Time til respawn is available
Config.BleedoutTimer              = 15 * minute -- Time til the player bleeds out

Config.EnablePlayerManagement     = false

Config.RemoveWeaponsAfterRPDeath  = true
Config.RemoveCashAfterRPDeath     = true
Config.RemoveItemsAfterRPDeath    = true

-- Let the player pay for respawning early, only if he can afford it.
Config.EarlyRespawnFine           = true
Config.EarlyRespawnFineAmount     = 500

Config.RespawnPoint = { coords = vector3(310.12, -580.12, 43.28), heading = 248.37 }

Config.Hospitals = {

    CentralLosSantos = {

        Blip = {
            coords = vector3(-434.66, -321.73, 34.01),
            sprite = 61,
            scale  = 0.8,
            color  = 2

        AmbulanceActions = {
            vector3(298.92, -598.84, 41.30)

        Pharmacies = {
            vector3(309.85, -568.89, 42.39)

        Vehicles = {
                Spawner = vector3(-423.47, -344.29, 0),
                InsideShop = vector3(-435.41, -351.01, 0),
                Marker = { type = 36, x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0, a = 100, rotate = true },
                SpawnPoints = {
                { coords = vector3(-431.69, -349.51, 0), heading = 201.0, radius = 4.0 },
                { coords = vector3(-435.41, -351.01, 0), heading = 201.0, radius = 4.0 },
                { coords = vector3(-439.51, -352.06, 0), heading = 201.0, radius = 4.0 }

        Helicopters = {
                Spawner = vector3(-263.94, 6325.71, 36.70),
                InsideShop = vector3(-252.54, 6318.79, 38.78),
                Marker = { type = 34, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.5, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0, a = 100, rotate = true },
                SpawnPoints = {
                    { coords = vector3(-252.54, 6318.79, 38.78), heading = 3.4, radius = 10.0 },
                    { coords = vector3(-252.54, 6318.79, 38.78), heading = 3.4, radius = 10.0 }

        FastTravels = {
                From = vector3(330.44, -601.14, 42.38),
                To = { coords = vector3(341.13, -584.47, 73.27), heading = 250.85 },
                Marker = { type = 27, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0, a = 100, rotate = false }

                From = vector3(338.60, -583.77, 73.27),
                To = { coords = vector3(332.23, -595.62, 42.38), heading = 73.06 },
                Marker = { type = 27, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0, a = 100, rotate = false }

                From = vector3(294.7, -1448.1, 29.0),
                To = { coords = vector3(272.8, -1358.8, 23.5), heading = 0.0 },
                Marker = { type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false }

                From = vector3(275.3, -1361, 23.5),
                To = { coords = vector3(295.8, -1446.5, 28.9), heading = 0.0 },
                Marker = { type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false }

                From = vector3(247.3, -1371.5, 23.5),
                To = { coords = vector3(333.1, -1434.9, 45.5), heading = 138.6 },
                Marker = { type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false }

                From = vector3(335.5, -1432.0, 45.50),
                To = { coords = vector3(249.1, -1369.6, 23.5), heading = 0.0 },
                Marker = { type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false }

                From = vector3(234.5, -1373.7, 20.9),
                To = { coords = vector3(320.9, -1478.6, 28.8), heading = 0.0 },
                Marker = { type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false }

                From = vector3(317.9, -1476.1, 28.9),
                To = { coords = vector3(238.6, -1368.4, 23.5), heading = 0.0 },
                Marker = { type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false }

        FastTravelsPrompt = {
                From = vector3(237.4, -1373.8, 26.0),
                To = { coords = vector3(251.9, -1363.3, 38.5), heading = 0.0 },
                Marker = { type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false },
                Prompt = _U('fast_travel')

                From = vector3(256.5, -1357.7, 36.0),
                To = { coords = vector3(235.4, -1372.8, 26.3), heading = 0.0 },
                Marker = { type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false },
                Prompt = _U('fast_travel')


Config.AuthorizedVehicles = {

    ambulance = {
        { model = 'emsroamer', label = 'Ambulance', price = 1}

    doctor = {
        { model = 'emsroamer', label = 'Ambulance', price = 1},
        { model = 'emsnspeedo', label = 'Ambulance 2', price = 1}

    chief_doctor = {
        { model = 'emsroamer', label = 'Ambulance', price = 1},
        { model = 'emsnspeedo', label = 'Ambulance 2', price = 1}

    boss = {
        { model = 'emsroamer', label = 'Ambulance', price = 1},
        { model = 'emsnspeedo', label = 'Ambulance 2', price = 1}


Config.AuthorizedHelicopters = {

    ambulance = {},

    doctor = {},

    chief_doctor = {
        { model = 'buzzard2', label = 'Nagasaki Buzzard', price = 1 }

    boss = {
        { model = 'buzzard2', label = 'Nagasaki Buzzard', price = 1 },
        { model = 'seasparrow', label = 'Sea Sparrow', price = 1 }

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