- Katılım
- 3 yıl 8 ay 18 gün
- Mesajlar
- 19
Merhaba arkadaşlar kücük bir sorun yasıyorum esx_jobs kullanıyorum ve toplama kesmesi paketlemesi cok iyi calısıyor fakat satış yapmıyor yardımcı olurmusunuz ?
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local playersWorking = {} ESX = nil TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(1000) local timeNow = os.clock() for playerId,data in pairs(playersWorking) do Citizen.Wait(10) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId) -- is player still online? if xPlayer then local distance = #(xPlayer.getCoords(true) - data.zoneCoords) -- player still within zone limits? if distance <= data.zoneMaxDistance then -- calculate the elapsed time local timeElapsed = timeNow - data.time if timeElapsed > data.jobItem[1].time then data.time = os.clock() for k,v in ipairs(data.jobItem) do local itemQtty, requiredItemQtty = 0, 0 if v.name ~= _U('delivery') then itemQtty = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(v.db_name).count end if data.jobItem[1].requires ~= 'nothing' then requiredItemQtty = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(data.jobItem[1].requires).count end if v.name ~= _U('delivery') and itemQtty >= v.max then xPlayer.showNotification(_U('max_limit', v.name)) playersWorking[playerId] = nil elseif v.requires ~= 'nothing' and requiredItemQtty <= 0 then xPlayer.showNotification(_U('not_enough', data.jobItem[1].requires_name)) playersWorking[playerId] = nil else if v.name ~= _U('delivery') then -- chances to drop the item if v.drop == 100 then xPlayer.addInventoryItem(v.db_name, v.add) else local chanceToDrop = math.random(100) if chanceToDrop <= v.drop then xPlayer.addInventoryItem(v.db_name, v.add) end end else xPlayer.addMoney(v.price) end end end if data.jobItem[1].requires ~= 'nothing' then local itemToRemoveQtty = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(data.jobItem[1].requires).count if itemToRemoveQtty > 0 then xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(data.jobItem[1].requires, data.jobItem[1].remove) end end end else playersWorking[playerId] = nil end else playersWorking[playerId] = nil end end end end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_jobs:startWork') AddEventHandler('esx_jobs:startWork', function(zoneIndex, zoneKey) if not playersWorking[source] then local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) if xPlayer then local jobObject = Config.Jobs[xPlayer.job.name] if jobObject then local jobZone = jobObject.Zones[zoneKey] if jobZone and jobZone.Item then playersWorking[source] = { jobItem = jobZone.Item, zoneCoords = vector3(jobZone.Pos.x, jobZone.Pos.y, jobZone.Pos.z), zoneMaxDistance = jobZone.Size.x, time = os.clock() } end end end end end) RegisterServerEvent('esx_jobs:stopWork') AddEventHandler('esx_jobs:stopWork', function() if playersWorking[source] then playersWorking[source] = nil end end) RegisterNetEvent('esx_jobs:caution') AddEventHandler('esx_jobs:caution', function(cautionType, cautionAmount, spawnPoint, vehicle) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) if cautionType == 'take' then if cautionAmount <= Config.MaxCaution and cautionAmount > 0 then TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getAccount', 'caution', xPlayer.identifier, function(account) if xPlayer.getAccount('bank').money >= cautionAmount then xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('bank', cautionAmount) account.addMoney(cautionAmount) xPlayer.showNotification(_U('bank_deposit_taken', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(cautionAmount))) TriggerClientEvent('esx_jobs:spawnJobVehicle', xPlayer.source, spawnPoint, vehicle) else xPlayer.showNotification(_U('caution_afford', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(cautionAmount))) end end) end elseif cautionType == 'give_back' then if cautionAmount <= 1 and cautionAmount > 0 then TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getAccount', 'caution', xPlayer.identifier, function(account) local caution = account.money local toGive = ESX.Math.Round(caution * cautionAmount) xPlayer.addAccountMoney('bank', toGive) account.removeMoney(toGive) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('bank_deposit_returned', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(toGive))) end) end end end) |