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Yardım Policejob helikopter sorunu


FT Kullanıcı
4 yıl 7 ay 4 gün
Policejobda helikopter almak için normalde bir menü olur. Ben helikopter galerisi tuşuna basıyorum. Helikopter menüsü daha gelmeden beni sanki helikopter almış gibi galeri yerine bırakıyor orda bugda kalıyorum. Helikopter olarak 1 adet helikopter var fakat nasıl çözeceğim hala anlamadım sorunu. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.
esx_policejob 'ın config dosyasını atarsanız yardımcı olabiliriz
esx_policejob 'ın config dosyasını atarsanız yardımcı olabiliriz


Config                            = {}

Config.DrawDistance               = 10.0 -- How close do you need to be for the markers to be drawn (in GTA units).

Config.MarkerType                 = {Cloakrooms = 20, Armories = 21, BossActions = 22, Vehicles = 36, Helicopters = 34}

Config.MarkerSize                 = {x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5}

Config.MarkerColor                = {r = 50, g = 50, b = 204}

Config.EnablePlayerManagement     = false -- Enable if you want society managing.

Config.EnableArmoryManagement     = false

Config.EnableESXIdentity          = false -- Enable if you're using esx_identity.

Config.EnableLicenses             = false -- Enable if you're using esx_license.

Config.EnableHandcuffTimer        = true -- Enable handcuff timer? will unrestrain player after the time ends.

Config.HandcuffTimer              = 10 * 60000 -- 10 minutes.

Config.EnableJobBlip              = false -- Enable blips for cops on duty, requires esx_society.

Config.EnableCustomPeds           = false -- Enable custom peds in cloak room? See Config.CustomPeds below to customize peds.

Config.EnableESXService           = false -- Enable esx service?

Config.MaxInService               = -1 -- How much people can be in service at once?

Config.Locale                     = 'en'

Config.PoliceStations = {

    LSPD = {

        Blip = {

            Coords  = vector3(425.1, -979.5, 30.7),

            Sprite  = 60,

            Display = 4,

            Scale   = 1.2,

            Colour  = 29


        Cloakrooms = {

            vector3(452.6, -992.8, 30.6)


        Armories = {

            vector3(451.7, -980.1, 30.6)


        Vehicles = {


                Spawner = vector3(454.6, -1017.4, 28.4),

                InsideShop = vector3(228.5, -993.5, -99.5),

                SpawnPoints = {

                    {coords = vector3(438.4, -1018.3, 27.7), heading = 90.0, radius = 6.0},

                    {coords = vector3(441.0, -1024.2, 28.3), heading = 90.0, radius = 6.0},

                    {coords = vector3(453.5, -1022.2, 28.0), heading = 90.0, radius = 6.0},

                    {coords = vector3(450.9, -1016.5, 28.1), heading = 90.0, radius = 6.0}




                Spawner = vector3(473.3, -1018.8, 28.0),

                InsideShop = vector3(228.5, -993.5, -99.0),

                SpawnPoints = {

                    {coords = vector3(475.9, -1021.6, 28.0), heading = 276.1, radius = 6.0},

                    {coords = vector3(484.1, -1023.1, 27.5), heading = 302.5, radius = 6.0}




        Helicopters = {


                Spawner = vector3(461.1, -981.5, 43.6),

                InsideShop = vector3(477.0, -1106.4, 43.0),

                SpawnPoints = {

                    {coords = vector3(449.5, -981.2, 43.6), heading = 92.6, radius = 10.0}




        BossActions = {

            vector3(448.4, -973.2, 30.6)




Config.AuthorizedWeapons = {

    recruit = {

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = {0, 0, 1000, 4000, nil}, price = 10000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 1500},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 80}


    officer = {

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = {0, 0, 1000, 4000, nil}, price = 10000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = {0, 6000, 1000, 4000, 8000, nil}, price = 50000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0}


    sergeant = {

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = {0, 0, 1000, 4000, nil}, price = 10000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = {0, 6000, 1000, 4000, 8000, nil}, price = 50000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN', components = {2000, 6000, nil}, price = 70000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0}


    lieutenant = {

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = {0, 0, 1000, 4000, nil}, price = 10000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = {0, 6000, 1000, 4000, 8000, nil}, price = 50000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN', components = {2000, 6000, nil}, price = 70000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0}


    boss = {

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = {0, 0, 1000, 4000, nil}, price = 10000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = {0, 6000, 1000, 4000, 8000, nil}, price = 50000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN', components = {2000, 6000, nil}, price = 70000},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500},

        {weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0}



Config.AuthorizedVehicles = {

    car = {

        recruit = {},

        officer = {

            {model = 'police3', price = 20000}


        sergeant = {

            {model = 'policet', price = 18500},

            {model = 'policeb', price = 30500}


        lieutenant = {

            {model = 'riot', price = 70000},

            {model = 'fbi2', price = 60000}


        boss = {}


    helicopter = {

        recruit = {},

        officer = {},

        sergeant = {},

        lieutenant = {

            {model = 'polmav', props = {modLivery = 0}, price = 200000}


        boss = {

            {model = 'polmav', props = {modLivery = 0}, price = 100000}




Config.CustomPeds = {

    shared = {

        {label = 'Sheriff Ped', maleModel = 's_m_y_sheriff_01', femaleModel = 's_f_y_sheriff_01'},

        {label = 'Police Ped', maleModel = 's_m_y_cop_01', femaleModel = 's_f_y_cop_01'}


    recruit = {},

    officer = {},

    sergeant = {},

    lieutenant = {},

    boss = {

        {label = 'SWAT Ped', maleModel = 's_m_y_swat_01', femaleModel = 's_m_y_swat_01'}



-- CHECK SKINCHANGER CLIENT MAIN.LUA for matching elements

Config.Uniforms = {

    recruit = {

        male = {

            tshirt_1 = 59,  tshirt_2 = 1,

            torso_1 = 55,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,

            arms = 41,

            pants_1 = 25,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 25,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = 46,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0


        female = {

            tshirt_1 = 36,  tshirt_2 = 1,

            torso_1 = 48,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,

            arms = 44,

            pants_1 = 34,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 27,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = 45,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0



    officer = {

        male = {

            tshirt_1 = 58,  tshirt_2 = 0,

            torso_1 = 55,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,

            arms = 41,

            pants_1 = 25,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 25,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = -1,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0


        female = {

            tshirt_1 = 35,  tshirt_2 = 0,

            torso_1 = 48,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,

            arms = 44,

            pants_1 = 34,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 27,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = -1,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0



    sergeant = {

        male = {

            tshirt_1 = 58,  tshirt_2 = 0,

            torso_1 = 55,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 8,   decals_2 = 1,

            arms = 41,

            pants_1 = 25,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 25,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = -1,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0


        female = {

            tshirt_1 = 35,  tshirt_2 = 0,

            torso_1 = 48,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 7,   decals_2 = 1,

            arms = 44,

            pants_1 = 34,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 27,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = -1,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0



    lieutenant = {

        male = {

            tshirt_1 = 58,  tshirt_2 = 0,

            torso_1 = 55,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 8,   decals_2 = 2,

            arms = 41,

            pants_1 = 25,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 25,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = -1,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0


        female = {

            tshirt_1 = 35,  tshirt_2 = 0,

            torso_1 = 48,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 7,   decals_2 = 2,

            arms = 44,

            pants_1 = 34,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 27,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = -1,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0



    boss = {

        male = {

            tshirt_1 = 58,  tshirt_2 = 0,

            torso_1 = 55,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 8,   decals_2 = 3,

            arms = 41,

            pants_1 = 25,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 25,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = -1,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0


        female = {

            tshirt_1 = 35,  tshirt_2 = 0,

            torso_1 = 48,   torso_2 = 0,

            decals_1 = 7,   decals_2 = 3,

            arms = 44,

            pants_1 = 34,   pants_2 = 0,

            shoes_1 = 27,   shoes_2 = 0,

            helmet_1 = -1,  helmet_2 = 0,

            chain_1 = 0,    chain_2 = 0,

            ears_1 = 2,     ears_2 = 0



    bullet_wear = {

        male = {

            bproof_1 = 11,  bproof_2 = 1


        female = {

            bproof_1 = 13,  bproof_2 = 1



    gilet_wear = {

        male = {

            tshirt_1 = 59,  tshirt_2 = 1


        female = {

            tshirt_1 = 36,  tshirt_2 = 1



Config.AuthorizedHelicopters = {
    recruit = {},

    officer = {},

    sergeant = {},
    intendent = {},

    lieutenant = {
        { model = 'polmav', label = 'Police Maverick', livery = 0, price = 1 }

    chef = {
        { model = 'polmav', label = 'Police Maverick', livery = 0, price = 1 }

    boss = {
        { model = 'polmav', label = 'Police Maverick', livery = 0, price = 1 }

        Helicopters = {
                Spawner = vector3(461.8079, -983.949, 43.692),
                InsideShop = vector3(449.8310, -982.401, 43.691),
                SpawnPoints = {
                    { coords = vector3(449.8310, -982.401, 43.691), heading = 92.6, radius = 10.0 }

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