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Türkiye'nin İlk ve tek FiveM forum adresi

Forum adresimize hoş geldin FiveMTürk olarak amacımız siz değerli kullanıcılarımıza en aktif fikir ve paylaşım platformu sunmak bir yana en güvenilir şekilde alışveriş yapabileceğiniz bir platform sunmaktır.

Standalone Skin Shop


FT Kullanıcı
5 yıl 5 ay
Even when I don't speak the same language as you (I always use Google translator to understand your post lol) I want to post something and give back to the community for all the good scripts that you have gave me

This is a standalone clothe menu, which means it can be used on VRP, ESX or whatever framework that you use.

Start the resource on your server.cfg
Start your server and type command /open to show the menu


Github link:

Have a nice day!

PD I'm not the original author of this script so I can't give any type of support for it but It got tested on my own server and it works well
Even when I don't speak the same language as you (I always use Google translator to understand your post lol) I want to post something and give back to the community for all the good scripts that you have gave me

This is a standalone clothe menu, which means it can be used on VRP, ESX or whatever framework that you use.

Start the resource on your server.cfg
Start your server and type command /open to show the menu

Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 3727

Github link:

Have a nice day!

PD I'm not the original author of this script so I can't give any type of support for it but It got tested on my own server and it works well
Good job. Thanks for the script.

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