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Türkiye'nin İlk ve tek FiveM forum adresi

Forum adresimize hoş geldin FiveMTürk olarak amacımız siz değerli kullanıcılarımıza en aktif fikir ve paylaşım platformu sunmak bir yana en güvenilir şekilde alışveriş yapabileceğiniz bir platform sunmaktır.

Script [UCRETLI][ESX] Cocain Business


FT Kullanıcı
2 yıl 10 ay 7 gün
Web sitesi

  • Detailed and Easy Config.
  • Clean & Futuristic UI.
  • Upgrades. (Security, Staff, Equipment)
  • If You Upgrade Security, Your Business’s Camera Will Be Active.
  • Sell the Business.
  • Police Raid. (If You Have Upgrade Security, Cops Raid With Skill Bar)
  • Cops Can Seal Business.
  • Sync with Other Players.
  • Editable Notifications.
  • Producing Cocaine for the Specified Time if Upgrades are Complete.
  • No Ip-Locked and Open Source.
  • Full Optimized Low Ms (Client/Server)
  • You can go to the Cocaine Lab and buy it if it’s not bought and make the necessary upgrades to produce cocaine, but you have to be careful, if the cops raid, you can seal your business, upgrade security to prevent this, or sell the business for half price.You can go to the Cocaine Lab and buy it if it’s not bought and make the necessary upgrades to produce cocaine, but you have to be careful, if the cops raid, you can seal your business, upgrade security to prevent this, or sell the business for half price.
| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 750 |
| Requirements | [bob74_ipl], [tgiann-skillbar] |
| Support | Yes |

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