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These are the best FiveM stores of all of 2023


FT Kullanıcı
1 yıl 15 gün
Greetings to the exciting revelation of the Best FiveM Stores of the Year 2023! 🎉

It is a pleasure to be here to share the results of our thorough evaluation, where we have explored and highlighted the stores that have made a significant impact on the FiveM scene. We are pleased to inform you that this selection is based on data collected from Discord and roleplay servers, all done with the full permissions of the gracious owners of these servers, to whom we express our sincere gratitude. 🌟

This marks the first year that my committee and I have undertaken the task of surveying over 300 FiveM servers to bring you this top list of the best and most recommended stores. While this is our inaugural year, we hope to provide more insightful statistics in the future. ❤️

This achievement would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance of Johan, Raid, 0Nreq, QuantaR and Amanda. Their dedication and support have been instrumental in the success of this endeavor. 🤝

Through this fruitful collaboration, we have identified and celebrated excellence in products, services, and shopping experiences. We want to pay tribute not only to the winners but also to all the stores that have contributed to the vibrant fabric of the FiveM community. 🤩

Below, we will share a photo highlighting the top 10 stores, honorable mentions, and special awards. May this revelation be a tribute to the dedication and creativity that drive the universe of FiveM. Let the community celebrate with enthusiasm for these outstanding contributors! 🏆

- Top 1:
- Top 2:
- Top 3:
- Top 4:
- Top 5:
- Top 6:
- Top 7:
- Top 8:
- Top 9:
- Top 10:

Honorable Mentions:

Best Scripts/MLOs
- Best Script:
- Best Job Script:
- Best UI Script:
- Best MLO:

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